Monday, August 16, 2010

Travel Approval and Dates

Yeah!!!! We finally received our travel approval on Friday, and got concrete travel dates this morning. We will leave for China on Thursday, September 2nd and return home on Saturday, September 18th. I waited to post about the travel approval until we had the consulate date secured. I don't think I could have handled that disappointment, and I know I couldn't have typed it. Thankfully I won't have to do that. We are very excited and a little stressed about leaving in 2 & 1/2 weeks, but I would get on the plane tomorrow if I could. We covet your prayers for our safety in travel, as well as for Aiden's adjustment to his new family. We know God has carried us to this point, and he will see us through. We are thankful! This picture is from Taylor who found us on a yahoo group, and graciously sent us some pictures of our little guy from when she was at Starfish last month. Thanks Taylor!



  1. Thank You, Lord!!
    This time next month we will be 2 days away from meeting you all at the airport! :)
    Aiden, we are praying you home, Sweetheart!

    Aunt Zam
    and Cousin Cate

  2. I am so happy that you have travel approval. Cannot wait for you to have Aiden he is such a sweet boy.

  3. Wooo Hooo!!
    We are so happy for you! We will pray all goes well!!
    Amy and Dana Oberloh

  4. Thanks for sharing your blog address on the starfish yahoo group, can't wait to follow along!

    God is good!!!!

    We took our children - Ryan (who was 10 at the time) and Emma (who was 4 at the time) with us when we traveled to get Rebecca. It was so nice having them along!!!

  5. Hi Kelly, thanks for sharing your blog addy - we're waiting to go get Libby from Starfish and I love getting to follow other Starfish families on their journies! Many blessings to you and safe travels as you bring your new little guy home. He is precious!
