Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New Website for Travel

Since we have been told that blogger is blocked in China, and I'm not sure that the program I have will actually get around that block, I decided to set up an alternate site for our trip. You can access it at babyjellybeans.com then go to search for a website and type in Aiden Rogers. This was our lifeline for our first adoption, and I don't want to feel alienated from friends and family at home. We leave in about 40hrs, not that I'm counting.


1 comment:

  1. Ok, just know, we will be following your every move in China. :)
    Keep us updated as much as you're able to. I know it can be hard and yes, we will be anxious to hear but remember, focus on your family what the 5 of you need first. We'll still send encouragement even if you're not able to post on a regular basis...maybe. Ha! :)
    We can't wait to see pictures of Aiden Thomas with his momma and daddy, big brother and big sis.
    God is so good. We are so happy for you.

    Much, much love,
    Aunt Zam
    and Cousin Cate
